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Masterclass Sensory Foundation. (SCA)

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Sensory Foundation Course. With the Option to take the SCA Foundation EXAM.

 Great for beginners and anyone wanting to learn sensory skills.   This is a great course for anyone involved in coffee or who has an interest in Sensory skills - just come along and have a great learning experience.

Here on the sensory foundation course we aim to provide you with both theory and practical skills.  So in the morning we start with a some theory on how we actually taste which leads us nicely into some fun practical activities! 

You will learn the five basic tastes and how to distinguish each one, followed by fragrance identification using the le nez cafe kit! 

Then in the afternoon session we put into practice what we have learnt and start to analyse coffee samples by following a cupping protocol we can then distinguish aroma & flavour differences in our coffee samples.

By the end you should feel confident in your coffee tasting skills and put it into practice at home and when selecting coffees. 

This course includes all the SCA Foundation criteria so if you are looking to gain your SCA points you can take the examination after the course.  However, please note as with all SCA courses you will need to pay the additional Euro50 Student Enrolment fee.

This course is available in-house at our training facility in Wandsworth.  Its a one day course from 10am to 4:30/5pm

Course size approximately: 6 people

What you'll learn:

-Fundamental sensory physiology

-Basic tastes and aroma recognition

-Concepts of Mouthfeel

-How to apply key sensory concepts to the evaluation of the coffee’s intrinsic characteristics

-How to use professional terminology to differentiate between coffees

*Terms Apply